President's Report

Hello All

We recently had our first meeting of the 2016/2017 Executive Committee to discuss next year and review last season.

The first thing I would like to say is that Al Siegel has kindly volunteered to replace Darlene Yeager Torre as a member at large. Thanks Al.

Membership is down a little bit and entries for the competitions were also down just a little bit. We do not anticipate any change in the membership fees for next year. However we are waiting to hear back from the Griswold management about the 2016/2017 rental agreement

We thought we had a good variety of presenters over last season and hope to have a good variety of excellent presenters again this coming season.

For the opening meeting on September 7 we have confirmed Rick Buchanan to present to us. He is an expert nature photographer who is local.  Then moving further into the season we hope to have Ria Waugh one of our members and a very good photographer in her own right present a photo exhibit on one of her many trips. We also are planning on some presentations about ‘Lightroom’ and other software. There will be lots more but details need to be worked out. Cheri Brent is leading this committee so if anyone has any good ideas or thoughts get in touch with her or myself.

Mark Fohl, our past president is looking into venues for WBCC members to present and show there work. We are also looking at displaying our photos at the Griswold Center.

This coming year we will be judging the Dresden photo prints again. Mark will have more on that later.

Kent Larsson is going to take the lead as a communications director to help us get the word out on events and meetings.

The competition committee led by Eric Erickson has started there planning as well. Don’t forget there are four theme competitions this coming season. 1) Square format 2) Humor 3) Industrial 4) Minimalism. We should have the dates for these very soon and will let you know ASAP. Eric is being assisted by Jeff Sagar and Roberta Kayne.

We are also looking into having a panel of photography students from a local institution judge a competition or two.

I believe Jay Heiser is still planning a photo walk in Holmes County. If anyone else would like to plan a photo walk please step up.

There are some things that the executive committee would like feedback about.

1.       Do you have any interest in drone photography?

2.       Are you willing to help out with snacks on meeting nights?

3.       Do know anyone that might be interested in joining the WBCC? Particularly people under 60 years old. A vast majority of our members as you probably realize are 55 or older.

That is all I have for now. We will be meeting once more before the opening meeting. I hope to see as many of you as possible in September and a bunch of new faces as well. Have a great summer and get lots of good photos.

Jon Harvey

WBCC President

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