January Winners




Honorable Mentions

Grungy Oil Can - Rob Formentelli

Desolation - Audrey Begun

Self Portrait - Whit Martin


5th  I think I’m Being Tailed - Cherry Williams 

4th  The promise of love - John Butterfield 

3rd  Mushroom  Garden - Whit Martin

2nd Stroke - Frank Begun 

1st  Light at end of the Tunnel - Gerry Allen



Honorable Mention

Duality - Frank Begin

Lost Youth -  John Butterfield

Arizona night at Picasso Peak. - Linda Ulasiewicz

Target Acquired - Linda Ulasiewicz


5th  Asian Still Life - Dick Wood

4th  Get Outa Here - Frank Begin

3rd  Old Stogy. John Butterfield

2nd  Blue Dashers - Jay Heiser

1st  Solar Eclipse Over Phelp's Farm -  Gerry Allen 




Beginner Open

1. Cedar Waxwing Linda Ulasiewic
2. Scooter Shows John Essig 
3. Columbus Tunnel Vision Todd Elroy
4. Seal Meal Greg Chatfield
5. MyAurora Linda Ulasiewicz
HM. Life Boats David Troyer
HM. Trying To Hide Dave Baldinger

Intermediate/Advanced Open

1. Brain Freeze Sharon Andrews
2. In God's Hand Butterfield
3. Red Cranes Kayne
4. Castro's Joy Ride Butterfield 
5. Moth Meal Audrey Begun
HM. Endangered Cherry Williams
HM. Red Fox At River Bank Audrey Begun
HM. Sunset Swinger Sue Day

Master Open

1. Last Dance Dale Berlin
2. Sea Arch Gerry Allen
3. Pepper Corn Rob F
4. Heavy Clouds Fohl
5. Newark Laundry Dick Woods
HM. Alive At Night Phyliss Hollifield
HM. Food Court F Bergun

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